The three internet café tenants: Manasse Longela, Freddy Kussi and Héritier Loso.
The cyber café makes it possible to stay in contact with the vzw Aketi, the university and the world. A post office is non-existent.
This is the place where, with a beamer, video presentations about chicken farming, pig raising, fish cultivation are given. The professors of the university record lessons on USB-sticks which can be projected by the teachers of Aketi to farmers, students and interested people.
The internet café tenants are overwhelmed with demands from the population to teach them how to use the internet. They also teach ‘word’, ‘excell’ and other computer applications.
They learn how to make reports about their activities to us and the university, to apply for functions in the administration, download information about legal procedures, find information for school projects etc…
The internet café is also the place to be for the association and in general the population. That's why it is a ‘café’.
Réunion avec le Comité de Gestion de l’asbl mai 2016